ADS Region One Daylily Societies

In addition to joining the American Daylily Society (ADS), please consider joining local daylily clubs within Region One by contacting individuals listed below.

Iowa Daylily Societies

Cedar Valley Iris and Daylily Society (CVIDS)
Nancy Rash, President
1506 N Marion Ave
Washington, IA 52353
(319) 591-1419

Central Iowa Daylily Society (CIDS)
Don Lovell, President
3352 275th Street
Marshalltown, IA 50158
(641)-479-2190 or (641)-691-5070

Manitoba Daylily Societies

Beausejour Daylily Gardens

c/o Carol Bender, Coordinator
1st Street North
Beausejour, Manitoba
Canada R0E 0C0

Minnesota Daylily Societies

Daylily Society of Minnesota (DSM)
Barbara Sautner, President
2100 West 106th Street
Bloomington, MN 55431

Nebraska Daylily Societies

Nebraska Daylily Society (NDS)
Linda Ferguson, President
19615 Pierce Street
Omaha, NE 68130

North Dakota Daylily Societies

Central North Dakota Daylily Society (CNDDS)
Gwen Brady, Co-President
120 6th Avenue SE
Mandan, ND 58554
(701)-663-6998 (home)
(701)-367-0764 (cell)

Lisa Schmidt, Co-President
6024 Pine Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58503

South Dakota Daylily Societies

Dakota Prairie Daylily Society (DPDS)
Le Walls, President
8940 Westview Road
Brookings, SD 57006